Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (2025)

V-Rising is a vampire survival experience that will make you feel like the most powerful creature in the world.

You’ll be able to build your own castle, hunt for blood, and rise in power as you conquer the world of the living.

The gothic multiplayer survival game is full of surprises and secrets, so you never know what’s around the corner.

With its unique blend of action and strategy, V-Rising offers an exciting and immersive experience that will keep you coming back for more. More blood that is.

Quick Links

  • Best Mods for V-Rising
    • 10. Invisible Cloaks
    • 9. No Game Cursor
    • 8. GUARDIAN2
    • 7. Alt Loading Screen
    • 6. Hide Interface
    • 5. Cursor Lock
    • 4. Track Crafts
    • 3. Alternate Armor Looks
    • 2. Ores for Blind People
    • 1. Alt Wolf Form

Best Mods for V-Rising

This game doesn’t need much in the way of modification, but there are some great mods out there that can enhance your experience and slowly inch it toward perfection.

10. Invisible Cloaks

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (1)

As we all know, fashion is the true endgame of every title, right?

For many gamers, the look of a cloak can make or break a good-looking character – so imagine the delight of an update to V-Rising that makes some of these cloaks invisible!

This simple, tiny mod allows players to craft cloaks that are invisible but still carry stats.

In short, it is a purely cosmetic change for those who have exacting standards when it comes to selecting their cloaks.

From a practical standpoint, we think cloaks would make combat more difficult, anyway! We don’t need so much redundant fabric.

9. No Game Cursor

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (2)

No Game Cursor is a mod for V-Rising that is perfect for gamers who want the smoothest gameplay possible.

This mod changes the game cursor to fit the style of your operating system cursor; most often, this makes for a lighter, more performance-friendly cursor that isn’t as hard on the eyes.

Previously, gamers had to adjust their settings and preferences manually in order for their gaming experience to be more comfortable and efficient.

This kind of mod is one of our staples when it comes to games. We appreciate what devs do when they design flashy cursors, but nothing beats the simple system variety.


Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (3)

Being able to manage your online gaming environment gets more and more important as time goes on.

Guardian2 is an innovative mod for V-Rising that adds a simple online whitelist function.

This makes it easier than ever to protect your game server or session from malicious interference by others—simply determine who’s allowed on your server and let the rest stay away!

It certainly eliminates the need for intense security measures, making this a great choice for gamemasters looking to keep their servers safe and secure.

Plus, its ease of use means even amateur players can implement top-notch security with just a few clicks or taps of their mouse.

7. Alt Loading Screen

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (4)

If you’re looking for a little way to spice up your V-Rising experience, why not try out a new loading screen?

This mod replaces the original loading screen with an alternate piece of official game art.

Little details like this may not rival total overhaul mods or cheat tables, but together they can create an entirely new vibe for the game that could keep you from getting bored too quickly.

The alternate art is just as colorful and spooky as we want it to be.

6. Hide Interface

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (5)

The Hide Interface mod allows users to toggle the game interface on and off with just a press of a few keys!

This mod comes complete with an in-game settings option that allows for custom keybindings, so players can set their own controls to hide and unhide the interface.

Now you can play V-Rising like never before, free from distractions. It’s also a great tool for setting up nice screenshots.

It’s hard to make a game style like V immersive, but this comes as close as you can get!

5. Cursor Lock

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (6)

If you’re an avid video gamer, you know the frustration of accidentally clicking off your game window.

It happens to the best of us – but don’t worry, there’s a solution!

Cursor Lock is a mod for V-Rising that locks your mouse cursor into your game window.

Whether you’re playing in fullscreen or windowed mode, the mod ensures your cursor will stay where you want it and won’t wander off to irrelevant windows!

4. Track Crafts

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (7)

Track Crafts provides players with a great quality of life improvement—the ability to lock one particular craft on their screen for easier monitoring.

This functionality would be quite beneficial even if it were added as a base game feature.

It’s no wonder that this is a popular mod.

All in all, Track Crafts has earned its time in the spotlight; we recommend it to any and every player of any experience level.

3. Alternate Armor Looks

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (8)

If you’ve ever walked into a room wearing the same armor as your vampire friend, but wished yours was just that little bit more unique, then this V-Rising mod is right up your bloodthirsty alley!

With its alternative armor appearances, you can recolor, remove parts of the armor or even go so far as to get rid of those pesky stand-up collars which often cause hair clipping – ensuring you look totally different and perfectly suited to your taste.

Combine that with some awesome customizations, and you can transform your V-Rising armor into something entirely remarkable.

Our favorite is the Merciless Nightstalker recolor option.

2. Ores for Blind People

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (9)

We love to mine for ore and gems, but a common complaint among gamers is that it can be difficult to find small or big veins when they’re scattered throughout the game.

That’s why this mod is so amazing!

Ores for Blind People makes it much easier to spot those pesky ores with its quickly noticeable text indicators.

It might not be the most realistic or immersive tweak, but hey, sometimes you’ve got to take some odd approaches.

It’s one less obstacle standing in the way of finding valuable ores – no more squinting your eyes while fighting strange creatures to get your hands on some gems!

1. Alt Wolf Form

Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (10)

Alt Wolf Form offers an alternative appearance, making you look just like the formidable Alpha Wolf boss – with the tougher-looking build, red scars, and bright white fur!

The Alpha Wolf in V-Rising is one of the most exciting creatures you can encounter. This ferocious wolf has a powerful bite and can charge at you quickly, so it’s important to be prepared when facing it.

Nothing boosts your confidence like being able to step into the paws of such a formidable adversary.

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Top 10 Best V-Rising Mods [2024] (2025)


Are mods allowed in V Rising? ›

The first place in which you can download V Rising mods is from the game's webpage on the Nexus Mods website.

What is V Rising on Reddit? ›

The official community of V Rising on Reddit! Gather a clan of allies online or play the part of the lone wolf as you explore vast worlds of dark horrors and, worse: the deadly sunlight in this open-world vampire survivor RPG developed by Stunlock Studios.

How to mod V Rising? ›

How to install mods on a V Rising server
  1. How to Install and Run Mods Locally.
  2. Download the Mod Manager here.
  3. Open the Mod Manager, search for V Rising, and choose Select Game.
  4. From the Get mods tab, Select the pinned mod BepInEx.
  5. Press the Download button.
  6. Choose Start Modded to run V Rising with BepInEx.

How to install BepInEx V Rising? ›

Install BepInEx

Download BepInEx from Thunderstore and extract the folder. Go to your Control Panel at DatHost and click Edit on your V Rising Server. Take the contents from inside the BepInExPack_V_Rising and drop it into the "rising" folder of your File Manager. Wait until the files have been uploaded fully.

Can you get banned in V Rising? ›

Any third-party modifications designed to provide an upper hand is classified as a cheat and will provide a ban. While server admins can provide server bans, a VAC ban is entirely automated and will permanently remain on your account.

What is the max floor limit in V Rising? ›

V Rising. Where to change the maximum number of castle floors? In the patch notes it was mentioned that the default value for how many floors each castle can have is 3 (4 on elevated terrain), but this can be changed to 6 on private servers.

Is V Rising grindy? ›

It's not really a grind, but it also depends on whether or not you are going to play solo or online. The solo PvE aspect of the game is really fun; gave me about 20 hours of gameplay, but once you get to the end there isn't much replay value aside from customizing your castle or killing bosses again.

What is the max GS in V Rising? ›

What is the max Gear Score in V Rising? The maximum Gear Score you can reach in V Rising is 80. Beyond this point, only consumables, abilities, planning, and skill will allow you to grow stronger.

Does V Rising have an ending? ›

At this time, there is no traditional ending. Credits don't roll. You simply kill the final boss with the highest power level, and then continue playing as normal.

Are V Rising mods client side? ›

mod functionality can either be client side, server side, or both. So it simply depends.

How do you dominate V Rising? ›

By completing the “Lord of the Manor” journal quest, you'll unlock Servant Coffins which, as the name implies, allow you to dominate humans. This requires you to craft and bind yourself to a Stone Coffin, which unlocks after you've been able to convert at least part of your castle to stone.

How do I get admin on V Rising? ›

If you are using a private game to play V Rising, you will need to follow the steps below:
  1. Open the Console Command by pressing the ` key.
  2. Once open, type "adminauth" and press enter to enable admin access.

How do I install BepInEx? ›

Installing BepInEx
  1. Download the correct version of BepInEx. Download BepInEx from one of the available sources. ...
  2. Extract the contents into the game root. ...
  3. Do a first run to generate configuration files. ...
  4. Configure BepInEx to suit your needs.

How do I install rise mods? ›

How to Set Up Mods in Monster Hunter Rise
  1. First, you must download REFramework from Nexus Mods.
  2. Head over to this page and click on Manual Download for REFramework.
  3. This will download a ZIP file that you can extract to any folder using either Winrar or 7zip.
  4. Place this file in the install folder for Monster Hunter Rise.
Feb 25, 2023

Can you have an army in V Rising? ›

The good news is that despite the process being a bit long-winded, it's definitely worth it as you can build an army of nine V Rising servants to head out into the world and plunder on your behalf.

Can you turn into a bat in V Rising? ›

To unlock flying via Bat Form, Vampire adventurers must find and defeat Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer, a Level 76 V Blood Carrier in V Rising, located in the haunted groves of the Cursed Forest. Similar to Lidia the Chaos Archer or Jade the Vampire Hunter, Nightmarshal Styx does not have a boss lair.

Can I build a roof in V Rising? ›

To make a roof for a room in V Rising, the entire room needs to be made out of Reinforced Walls, and every floor tile also needs to be covered in flooring of some sort. Once you add the final wall or floor piece to fully confine a room in stone, then the game will automatically add a roof to the room for free.

Can you customize your character in V Rising? ›

To change your appearance, simply interact with the mirror. This opens up the same character creation screen you saw just before entering a world. Here, you can change your vampire's body, face, hairstyle, accessories, and the colors of all of them (where applicable).


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